We encourage both experienced community members and newcomers to share their insights, best practices, anecdotes, examples and concrete experiences, while others provide questions, problems, use cases and experiences in this area.

We offer various forms to participate in the workshop:

  • Glorious failures

    Short or extended papers, up to six and twelve pages, respectively. These evaluation papers should include: 1. description of used datasets; 2. research questions and hypotheses; 3. applied evaluation protocol, benchmarks or gold standards; and 4. statistical methods used for analyzing the observed results. Authors are encouraged to explain the properties of the approach that support the results that falsify their hypotheses. The focus is on methodology, rather than on problematic implementations.

  • Confessions

    Extended abstracts, up to two pages. Confessions describe testimonies, short stories, and experiences in a more informal fashion or technical/development issues that prevent the progress of the Semantic Web’s research.

  • Position Papers

    Extended abstracts, up to two pages. Short essays describing your position on issues related to the workshop’s topic.

  • Abstracts

    A short, but otherwise free submission format that could include questions, proposals or or any other discussion topic relevant to be discussed during the workshop.

All submissions need to explicitly discuss their relevance to the field. A focus on contributions to related works is desired.

Submission Guidelines and Publication

All papers will be formatted according to the LNCS format. Submissions can be realized through the easychair system. Accepted papers will be published online. More information about proceedings of the workshop will be announced soon.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: March 15, 2015 March 22, 2015
  • Notifications: April 14, 2015
  • Camera ready version: April 20, 2015
  • Workshop: June 1, 2015